July 9-15 2000 | July 2-8 2000 | All About Me | Postings List | Contact Me


All About Me

My name is Oinkers, and I live with my friend Charlie. Charlie and I have been friends since he was as tall as me! Now he is very tall and has moved out from his mom's house and in with a girl. I can never remember her name, so I simply call her "the short one". They lived in Iowa in an apartment in a big town, the same town the short one's mother lives in.

The short one's mother is nice, though the short one thinks she is crabby. There is also this slobby-brother-like-person who belongs to the short one and was at our house a lot, usually messing things up! Not to mention the short one's annoying friends who all wanted to poke at me, especially the one called dolphin girl. She poked at me a lot.

I have some friends, but some of them live in Iowa with the short one's family. One of them is named bubbles. He is a small purple bear and he is lots of fun! we had a campout the weekend that the family left for Omaha. We roasted marshmellows and told scary stories, it was a lot of fun. I met a lot of other friends at the campout and I miss them all now that we have moved to Missouri.

I have many hobbies and interests. One of them is eating, i love to eat marshmallows and ice cream, not to mention curly fries and spaghettie. I also love to play on the computer, I like looking at web pages and chatting in chat rooms, though I have been using the short one's Yahoo name and all of her weird friends keep instant messaging me. I am going to create my own Yahoo name so that they will leave me alone. I also enjoying writing to my friend Bubbles, but hopefully they will get their computer fixed soon and then bubbles can e-mail me instead. I think their computer would work fine if that slobby-brother-like-person would stop crashing it.

My favorite game is "hide and seek". I used to play it with Charlie, but now he is too "grown up" to play it anymore. I wonder if the short one has anything to do with that....

we have just moved to missouri, as I said. We are no longer living in an apartment with crabby neighbors. Instead we are living in a little house. This town is a lot smaller then the last town and is very quiet, though I am sure plenty of exciting things will happen, so be sure to read my log entries!


this is a picture I drew using paint shop pro, it is a house that I would like to live in!