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July 2-8 2000

Well, here I am in Missouri. Why am I in Missouri? Who am I? Why do you care? I will explain all of these things.
I am a pig, a pink pig to be exact. I belong to a boy named Charlie, though he has moved out of his house and in with a girl I call "the short one", as is obvious she is short. Anyway, I guess he is now what you would call "grown up" because he leaves me in basements and sheds and all sorts of other horrible places. He pretends I belong to this short person whenever her annoying friends come over and he does not hug me very much. But how can he when she is always taking up his time?
As for why I am in Missouri I do not know. I am an Iowa pig and then one day I'm a missouri pig. The short one and the slobby-brother-like-person spent a week putting everything (including me in boxes) and hauled it here where everything is strange.
We arrived here the 3rd and the slobby-brother-like-person and some scary friend of his, not to mention this ogre type guy, all helped charlie and the short one move. Mostly they fought for three days and then the three starnge peopel went back to Iowa. Frankly I hope they stay there!
It is now the 8th and this house is a mess and I am affraid of being lost in the boxes. If I survive I will be back next week!


this is a self portrait of me by me.
If these cheep people would buy a scanner
you could see the real me.