hello, hello! Well Charlie's sisiter is in town, she arrived wednesday and they have been having a lovely visit so I hear. They went to some big car show yesterday (Saturday) and did not take me. Naturally I felt like a very neglected pig! But the short one did not take Booy either, so we stayed home, played poker and made smores (incidentally gas stoves work very well for roating marshmallows) By the way, they are fighting with their phone company and I suspect we shall soon be disconnected for awhile. I think they need to switch companies, but who listens to a little pink pig? No one! Other then Charlie's sister and the car show I have been playing with Paint shop pro, a very neat little graphics program. I highly recomend it, though I only have the 30 day trial version, the real version cost 109$! I must try to talk Charlie into purchasing it..... Till next time, O