Oinker's entries
February 18 - 24 | december 24 - 30 2000 | December 31 - January 13 2001 | December 17- December 23 2000 | December 10 - 16 2000 | January 14 - 27 2001 | January 28 - February 3 2001 | February 4 - 17 2001 | december 3 - 9 2000 | November 26 - December 2 2000 | November 19 - 25 2000 | November 12 - 18 2000 | October 16 - 22 2000 | October 23 - November 5 2000 | November 6 - 11 2000 | September 10 - 16 2000 | September 17 - 30 2000 | september 3-9 2000 | August 27-September 2 2000 | July 16-22 2000 | July 23-29 2000 | July 30-August 5 2000 | august 6-12 | August 13-19 | August 20-26 2000 | October 1 - 7 2000 | October 8 - 15 2000


December 31 - January 13 2001

Hello hello! I hope the New year find you all well and happy. Here we had a little party since charlie and the short one were gone overnight at their new friend's house! We drank sparkling grape juice and doggie cooked us up some delicious goodies. We played music very loudly until the neighbors banged on the door, then we turned it down for fear of the cop (yes the town has 1 cop) being called. After that we watched movies and at midnight we threw conettie and made quite a mess. We cleaned it all up the next day because i didn't want Charlie to know I'd had a party with out him as it might hurt his feelings.

As for that alien cat, she has been sendind signals to the mother ship disguised as purring. Luckily I have learned to break her evil alien code and i now know exactly what is going on! The aliens are planning an invasion. it turns out that all cats are aliens! They've been infiltrating our planet for years and now that their numbers are great enough they are planning to strike. Shelob, our evil cat, is their queen and she is co-ordinating it all!

But we have beat her. Just last night our plan took action. Edgar distracted her while booy crept in with the scissors and snipped off her whiskers. Of course they both got chewed on quite a bit, but are feeling very heroic! Naturally so am I as I masterminded the whole thing! Now the evil alien queen can no longer communicate and as long as she can't then the aiens will all be waiting to atack. I am trying to build a large force to overtake them but it is very hard since no one will listen to me. it isn't safe to leave the house alone because before she was disabled the evil cat sent word toi her underlings that I was to be watched. Every cat in the neighborhood eyes me evily now and I know they are wishing to have me for breakfast, or perhaps a light lunch.

I must go now. Until next time,