hello my friends! well this week it has been very very hot, too hot for a little piggy like myself! Charlie has been gone a lot lately, he has gotten a job roofing. The short one has even gotten a sort-of job helping out an old lady here in town, or so she says..... This week I have been playing on the computer a lot. Charlie is setting up his own web page, it will be very interesting if he ever gets it done, but the short one has been wanting him tospend time with her lately. As for the rest of us we have not been doing very much. Booy got his web page finished and is still upset at the lack of Captain Teddy web pages available. I was never a big Captain Teddy fan myself, so I have never really noticed! I have had two people sign my guestbook! I hope that more people will take the time to sign it because it makes me happy to know that people are reading this! The neighbors have been over and I sincerely hope the short one does not become too friendly with them - they are weirder then the friends she used to have. I mean REALLY wierd. One of them had to figure up how old he was, really figure it up. They are scary people, very, very scary. they seem nice enough, but.....it IS missouri! hee-hee! anyway they have been here twice now. Actaully one is the neighbor and the other is the landlord's friend or brother or something. The first time they seemed normal, but the second time is when I became concerned. The short one and Charlie were headed to his dad's for dinner when they came and wanted to use the phone. At first they could not figure out how to use the phone, and kept saying that there was no dial tone. Finally Charlie told him to turn it on! Charlie told him they were getting ready to go, so then the guys wanted a ride to another town, right after charlie had said he was going to his dad's for dinner! I think one of them may have been drunk.... I have done some research on them and found that they are not the kind of people Charlie and the short one need to be hanging around! Now if only they will listen to me.... I think that is all for now, till next time! O