Oinker's entries
February 18 - 24 | december 24 - 30 2000 | December 31 - January 13 2001 | December 17- December 23 2000 | December 10 - 16 2000 | January 14 - 27 2001 | January 28 - February 3 2001 | February 4 - 17 2001 | december 3 - 9 2000 | November 26 - December 2 2000 | November 19 - 25 2000 | November 12 - 18 2000 | October 16 - 22 2000 | October 23 - November 5 2000 | November 6 - 11 2000 | September 10 - 16 2000 | September 17 - 30 2000 | september 3-9 2000 | August 27-September 2 2000 | July 16-22 2000 | July 23-29 2000 | July 30-August 5 2000 | august 6-12 | August 13-19 | August 20-26 2000 | October 1 - 7 2000 | October 8 - 15 2000


september 3-9 2000

Hello my dear friends! This week it has been much cooler, thank goodness! Charlie is still helping the scary landlord, and the unsavory neighbors are still hanging around. I have forgotten their names, but I generally refer to them as the scrungy one and the skinny one. If you saw them you would understand. Worse Charlie thinks they are nice! Eeek! What is he thiking? They may be nice, but I have heard some stories from the neighborhood goat.

Speaking of the goat, his name is Fritz. He lives in a fence along the highway. It is a bit hard to cross the highway sometimes, with all the cars zooming by, but it is well worth it. Fritz is very knowledgable about the town and the people in it. He also reports to me that the short one shoould get a job at the post office because the people there are always taking breaks. I don't know anything about this since I have no one to write letters too.

I have not heard from Bubbles in awhile, and am worried about him. I tried to call him, but Charlie and the phone company are fighting over something so there is no long distance. It has something to do with them charging him for calls he didn't make or something. I am not sure because at the time I was busy teaching Booy to play poker.

Booy is catching on to poker very quickly, but I am still beating him! hee-hee!

If you read this Bubbles please call me, I know that the odd blonde guy has been hooking your computer up to the internet through his user lately. Hopefully they will let you see this! The blonde person is very crabby about letting other poeple controle the computer, so I hear. Reminds me of the short one, never letting Charlie play on the computer. Making him go to work instead. She is so mean, soon she will have me working to! Eeeek!

Well, until next week,

poker night

here is a typical example of
poker night. Me, Booy, and
little edgar. As you can see
I am usually winning