Oinker's entries
February 18 - 24 | december 24 - 30 2000 | December 31 - January 13 2001 | December 17- December 23 2000 | December 10 - 16 2000 | January 14 - 27 2001 | January 28 - February 3 2001 | February 4 - 17 2001 | december 3 - 9 2000 | November 26 - December 2 2000 | November 19 - 25 2000 | November 12 - 18 2000 | October 16 - 22 2000 | October 23 - November 5 2000 | November 6 - 11 2000 | September 10 - 16 2000 | September 17 - 30 2000 | september 3-9 2000 | August 27-September 2 2000 | July 16-22 2000 | July 23-29 2000 | July 30-August 5 2000 | august 6-12 | August 13-19 | August 20-26 2000 | October 1 - 7 2000 | October 8 - 15 2000


October 1 - 7 2000

hello hello. the short one is typing this at the library, hopefully she copies it right. Still no phone, it makes a little piggie sad. And the short one has been busy on the computer because they have decide to makke their own web page, only they are doin it the fancy way and programming it, hmphphphphphph.

I am teaching Booy and Edgar to play spit as they are getting far too good at poker. Other then that it has been a very dull week, no excitement at all because it has been too cold for any excitement. The temeratures have been belowe freezing all week long. I am going to go cover up and try to stay warm. Till later,